Jean Monnet Module PLAT.EU
The Jean Monnet Module (JMM) on “Participation, Lobbying and Transparency in the EU Institutions (PLAT-EU)” wants to implement the awareness and the knowledge between students, stakeholders, policy makers and general public at large of the EU legal tools aimed at assuring the openness of the decision-making process, in accordance with the article 11 of the Treaty on European Union.
The Module is organized within the activities of the School of Advanced Studies on Cultures, Politics and Democracy of UnitelmaSapienza, the first telematic University to obtain funding for a JMM from the European Union.

The programme in brief
- Online preparatory seminars designed to speak to a general audience about cases of EU lobbying that have led to better implementation of European policies and expansion of citizens’ rights;
- Intensive summer school, held in presence at Università di Roma La Sapienza, which will include simulations, roleplays, and exercises based on how European decision-making processes actually work;
- International roundtables, in mixed online and in-person mode, aimed at comparing the European regulatory model with that in force in other legal systems.
Objectives and Goals
The JMM aims at developing an in-depth reflection on the topics of participation, lobbying and transparency in the decision-making processes of the EU institutions, starting from the assumption that lobbying activity is fundamental for the functioning of the institution but needs strong rules aimed at ensuring equal access to the public decision maker and true transparency of the decision-making process.
The JMM therefore aims to:
- Generate knowledge and information that strengthen students’ awareness of the need for democratic, transparent and participatory institutions and assist in the definition of EU policies for a reform of the European institutions;
- Promote the dialogue between academia and society, involving local and national policy makers, civil servants, civil society actors and representatives of various levels of education and the media and raise awareness of a wider public and disseminate knowledge of the EU in society at large;
- Promote the discussion on the topic worldwide, stimulating a comparative approach to find different solutions to common problems.
These objectives and goals will be achieved by analysing the legal framework of EU on participation, lobbying and transparency, also indicating new legal tools to be implemented by EU institutions.
Project Manager

Pier Luigi Petrillo
Full Professor of Comparative Public Law at the Department of Law and Digital Society of University of Rome UnitelmaSapienza

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